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Consumer Code

As a purchaser of a new home, you are protected by the Consumer Code.

What is the Consumer Code?

The Consumer Code is in place to ensure that the buyer of a new build home is protected through each stage of their home buying journey, from pre-contract to home ownership. The Code was developed by the home-building industry to make the process fair and transparent for all purchasers.

The Consumer Code covers:

  • Pre-Contract – Ensuring that home buyers are given enough pre-purchase information to make an informed purchase decision
  • Exchange of Contract – Ensuring that home buyers are provided with a clear and fair contract for the purchase of their home
  • Ownership – Ensuring an accessible after sale service and clear information is made available to inform of and rectify any issues which occur
  • Dispute Resolution – Ensuring that a speedy and low cost dispute resolution system is in place to help the purchaser resolve any concerns they may have about their new home

Download Consumer Code
You can access more information about the Consumer Code by visiting