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The way to live. It’s anything but standard.

When you buy a Story home, you are choosing quality. Our new homes are built to last, with a high specification in each and every one.

A Story home has beautiful spaces inside and out, designed for modern living and based on how we all want to live, with kitchen islands, bi-fold doors and light airy spaces.

Homes built to a 5 star standard

Story Homes has officially been rated as a 5 star housebuilder by the HBF and NHBC, which is no surprise when you see how beautifully crafted our homes are.

Why choose Story?

A luxurious specification, high-quality materials and built to last, our new build homes are made for living.
We craft beautiful, well-designed homes that are solidly built and full of character. Our high-quality specification includes so much more than you’d expect, with designer kitchens, bi-fold doors, waterfall showers, and fully turfed gardens with fences and paved patios, all as standard.

Build quality with no comparison

We’ll give you more space inside and out

for life

Building beautiful homes for over 30 years

Why choose Story?

A luxurious specification, high-quality materials and built to last, our new build homes are made for living.

We craft beautiful, well-designed homes that are solidly built and full of character. Our high-quality specification includes so much more than you’d expect, with designer kitchens, bi-fold doors, waterfall showers, and fully turfed gardens with fences and paved patios, all as standard.