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Discover developments in the North West

Standing apart from the crowd, Story homes challenge the conventions of the mass produced. Set a little further back from the road, with more space between them, and with different finishes from your neighbour’s house. We currently have a range of developments across the North West, all featuring beautifully designed, well-built homes.
A variety of 2 to 5-bedroom homes are available throughout the region. We build homes we are proud to put our name to in locations such as Preston, Cottam and Kirkham, homes that are not only strong in build, but in character too.

Current planning applications and consultations

Whenever we are planning a new housing development in the North West, we recognise that consultation with local communities and stakeholders about planning applications we intend to make is vitally important in the development process. New property developments can have real benefits for the whole community, not just those looking to buy a new home in the North West. From economic investment, job creation and retention, opportunities for subcontractors and suppliers, investment in community facilities, infrastructure and education facilities; development can be positive for everybody if it is carried out with the needs of the local North Western community in mind.
View all consultations

Alderley Road, Wilmslow

Alderley Road, Wilmslow




Application Type:

Reserved Matters Application

Ashton Road

Ashton Road




Application Type:

Outline planning application

Blackpool Road, Poulton-le-Fylde

Blackpool Road, Poulton-le-Fylde

Poulton-le-Fylde, FY6 7NG



Application Type:

Detailed Planning Application

Grab Lane

Grab Lane




Application Type:

Detailed Planning Application

Jepps Lane

Jepps Lane




Application Type:

Outline planning application

Lea Road, Preston

Lea Road, Preston




Application Type:
